About Us
Andasol Avenue Elementary is a Title I school located in the city of Northridge in the San Fernando Valley, part of the Kennedy/Northridge Academy/Valley Academy of Arts Community of Schools in Local District Northwest. Serving approximately 475 students in grades Pre K-5, approximately 68% of our students are on free and reduced lunch. We serve a diverse cultural and linguistic community; our English Learner population is 16%, with over ten languages spoken by our families. Andasol serves our diverse population through a Schools for Advanced Studies Program, a Preschool Classroom, California State Pre-School, and a TK- 5 Special Education Program serving students with Autism on the Core Curriculum. We are a proud California Distinguished School for Closing the Achievement Gap. The school is located at 10126 Encino Avenue, Northridge CA 91325.
At Andasol Elementary School our vision, as a school community, is to inspire a passion for learning. We believe that all students can learn to their fullest potential. Students will leave Andasol and possess the knowledge and skills that will assure their proficiency in problem solving and technology, and be enhanced by global and multicultural perspectives. They will be responsible citizens, lifelong learners, and will be prepared for success in college and beyond.
Our Mission is to prepare our students to live in and contribute to a global and multicultural world.